Dienstag, 29. August 2023


The Man's Picture Magazine


She Magazine with stunning Mamie Van Doren on the cover and more WoW! Shocking testimony of a female addict. The King had 500 slaves, Exposing new angles for Call Girls ! This magazine is from Decembber 1957 and it has the stunning Mamie Van Doren on the cover, wearing a shocking pink dress. She looks fabulous and confident. Inside, an expose' on the call girl business in New York

EINZELAUSGABE : SERIENEINTRAG ---Eine Hommage an alte Periodika. - Illustrationen / Bilder aus dem Archiv der CollectionTrivialitas.- Weitere Informationen zu Romanheftreihen (extern): heftromanarchiv oder romanhefte-info

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The bibliographical informations may not be complete.
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